8 Workplace Wellness Tips
These tips make workplace wellness easy and accessible for everyone.
When you’re working, it’s easy to forget that your health is important and that you should take care of yourself. Workplace Wellness in built both at work and in our personal life. The key is finding a balance between work and life; I’m going to share eight ways to do just that.
1. Take short breaks throughout the day.
Take a break to breathe. Don't worry; you don't have to sit in a dimly lit room and meditate, even though that can be beneficial as well. Instead, take a break every hour or so to step outside and get some fresh air, or simply pause for five minutes on your lunch break. Setting aside time to decompress is important because it gives your mind time away from work-related stressors and allows you to recharge both physically and mentally.
When taking breaks during the workday, be sure that they're not interfering with productivity—you want them short enough that they don't become detrimental but long enough that they provide an opportunity for physical movement and renewal of energy levels (lets start with 5 minutes at a time!). If possible, try doing some stretches during these breaks or even just walking around the office building.
2. Schedule your workdays.
Make a schedule and stick to it. Block out projects, emails etc. in your schedule to maintain focus and not be overwhelmed by the quantity of tasks that need to be completed in a day. If you have difficulty with this, try blocking off planning time at the beginning of each day for prioritizing what needs to get done and then keep track of how many hours you spend on each item throughout the day. This supports you to better estimate how much time is needed for future tasks and become more strategic in your scheduling. Ensure that your daily schedule includes time for planned breaks (see above) and even some brief opportunities for movement.
3. Get to know your colleagues.
Get to know your colleagues and build social relationships at work. Maybe even make a point of talking to colleagues you don't usually talk to. If they're not in your department, see if you can find common ground in personal interests or explore opportunities for shared projects or collaboration. Developing relationships at work not only makes the workplace a more enjoyable place to be, it can be a great source for support when navigating work-related stressors. Perhaps engage with others in implementing some of these workplace wellness strategies - enjoy brief breaks together, share meal times, coordinate your schedules, or meet up for a quick walk. Social connection can re-charge us and make work a lot more fun.
4. Communicate with your employer about what you need.
One of the most important things you can do to maintain your health is to communicate with your employer. Let them know what you need, such as flexible hours or a schedule that works for you. If there's anything that's causing undue stress, let them know in advance so they can help you work through it. It might even be worth asking how they feel about workplace wellness programs if they don't offer any already—you may find that there are some well-being initiatives in place at your company that could benefit from more attention or funding. If these don't exist yet at your workplace, reach out to us for preventative mental health workshops and custom workplace wellness solutions!
5. Have a healthy snack at your desk.
A healthy snack is a great way to keep your energy up and avoid a sugar crash later. Try to make sure that you're eating at least one nutritious meal per day, but if you feel the need for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, snack on something wholesome instead of reaching for a candy bar or soda. In addition to eating regularly throughout your day, ensure you are drinking water and try to regulate caffeine intake. Diet plays a big part in our mental health and mood, so eating regularly and well can really contribute to overall wellbeing.
6. Maintain Boundaries to Support Work Life Balance.
Since the COVID pandemic, many of us got used to working remotely or doing more work at home. While this is great for many reasons (reduced commute, hello sweatpants!) it has made it more challenging than ever to maintain boundaries with work.
Boundaries and containment with work allow us to maintain work-life balance. We need clear beginning and endings to our work day, ways to contain and shut down our “work brain” and shift focus into our personal lives and really just “leave it at the office”. This becomes a lot more challenging when the office is in our home though. Practices that we used to take for granted can be integrated into our routines regardless of our work environment. Try setting a clear start and end time to your day, scheduling breaks and not allowing personal and professional tasks to bleed together, and perhaps create a ritual around closing out for the day or week – think about shutting the laptop and leaving it in a separate room, leaving the mug you drink out of while working at your desk, listening to music as you wrap up. Whatever works for you and starts to condition your brain to think “Ah, we’re wrapping up now”.
7. Prioritize self-care when you get home from work.
When you get home from work (or finish work at home), prioritize self-care. Take time to relax and decompress. Maintain good sleep hygiene, eat well and move your body regularly, set aside time for family and friends and reduce screen time if possible.
It’s important to remember that what brings us joy is different for everyone. Identify your core self care practices and ensure that you are prioritizing them in your day and week.
8. Take time off on weekends and do something fun!
It's important to recharge your batteries when you are off work. Identify if you recharge alone or with others, and prioritize and protect that time on your days off. Spend time
outdoors, move your body and find a creative outlet. Create time to socialize and connect with people in your life outside of work and mentally reboot before returning to your work week.
We know that work can be stressful, but it is possible to maintain work-life balance by implementing intentional strategies. We hope these tips will help you feel less stressed and more productive at work, so you can focus on the things that really matter to you. If you are needing support to implement new and innovative workplace wellness programs, reach out to us and let us get creative for you!