9 Workplace Wellness Statistics That Will Shock You

1. 35% of Canadians are reporting feeling burned out.

Let’s face it, coming out of the past few years and the unprecedented impacts of

living (and working) through a global pandemic have left people burnt out. While

the national average is sitting around 35%, with over a third of Canadians reporting

burnout, certain industries have been hit even harder. Health and patient care is

reported at 53%, transportation at 40%, finance, legal & insurance at 39%,

Education and childcare at 38% and first responders at 36%. The highest number may

not be surprising to you though, with nurses reporting that 66% are experiencing

symptoms of burnout at work.

2. Increase in stress leave means that over 30% of disability claims are mental health related.

Mental health has always made up a significant percentage of disability claims, but

over the past few years, this number is on the rise. With more workers reporting

high stress, burnout and lack of resources to cope, more employees are taking a

stress leave from work and filing a disability claim. This has massive impacts on the

company, tasked with not only supporting their employee in returning to work, but

also ensuring their role and responsibilities will be covered while they’re off.

3. Absenteeism costs employers $16.6 billion annually.

Following up on the statistic above that over 30% of disability claims are mental

health related, the financial impact of this on employers is staggering. Canadian

employers are losing about $16.6 billion annually due to employee absenteeism.

This massive cost is related to not only supporting the employee while they are off

work (which could be for an extended period of time), but also ensuring their

responsibilities will be taken care of. Think hiring a temp or a new employee, on

boarding and training this extra person, planning for the return of the employee and

re-integration upon their return. The costs add up, fast.

4. Currently, approximately 60% of employers are offering some kind of workplace wellness solution.

With more than half of companies offering some kind of workplace wellness

solution, there is a broad acknowledgement that workplace wellness programs need

to be a priority to support workers. While these programs range in their offerings,

Employee Assistance Programs, or EAP have been the most common. This programs

can offer a wide range of services from counselling to legal and financial advice, but

are often limited in their accessibility for longer term support. What this means is

they are often reactive, rather than proactive, workplace wellness programs. By

investing in programs that support employees overall health and wellbeing,

companies can begin to get ahead of the problem rather than always reacting to it.

5. The most popular workplace wellness programs are smoking cessation, physical activities and weight management.

As explained above, EAP has been historically the most wide-spread workplace

wellness program. Smoking cessation, physical activities and weight management

are often programs included in an EAP package. While these services are incredibly

useful to some employees, what they fail to address is the mental health aspect of

health and wellness. Having strong mental health services as a part of workplace

wellness programs can engage employees in preventative services and reduce the

costs to the company later on.

6. Almost 90% of employees report that they will consider workplace wellness services when considering an employer.

In case you haven’t noticed the health and wellness culture is changing! People care

about their health and are getting invested in diverse ways to take care of

themselves. A big component of that is looking to employers to offer strong health

and wellness packages and services for employees. This not only increases access to

services for employees but demonstrates that companies are invested in their

employees’ health and wellness too.

7. 56% of participants in wellness programs are reporting fewer sick days.

In a recent study, the results demonstrated that preventative workplace wellness

programs have a big impact. When employees are connected to and utilizing strong

workplace wellness programs, they are going to notice the impacts of this in their

daily life, overall health and engagement at work. Having access to great workplace

wellness programs has the ability to reduce absenteeism by almost 20%. That is a

great return on investment for companies.

8. Companies with health and wellness programs report that 91 percent of their employees say they feel motivated to do their best (vs. 38 percent of those without).

Workplace wellness offerings and services can be a really clear reflection of a

company’s values and culture. By offering high-quality wellness services, employees

feel cared for, supported and that they are being invested in. This is in turn

increases motivation and their investment back into the company. With a staggering

91% of employees with access to wellness programs reporting commitment to their

best, compared to only 38% of those without, the impact is clear.

9. Companies with highly effective health and wellness plans are 40% more likely to report better financial performance than low-effectiveness companies. 

At the end of the day, a lot of decisions around increasing access to workplace

wellness programs come down to the bottom line. This statistic speaks for itself –

invest in employee wellness and you are investing in your company’s future.

For custom workplace wellness solutions and preventative mental health

workshops, get in touch with us! We can create the perfect solution for your unique

company or organization.

Looking for a mental health wellness program? 

Check out Scott Sheere Wellness and book a preventative mental health workshop for your team today. We cover topics including: 

  • Preventing and managing burnout

  • Stress Management

  • Building mental health resiliency through skills practice

Custom Workshops Available!


1. https://wsmh-cms.mediresource.com/wsmh/assets/rdtffdtyswgcogcg

2. Sunlife, 2022

3. https://www.mercer.ca/content/dam/mercer/attachments/north-america/canada/ca-2018-health-management-how-much-are-you-losing-to-absenteeism.pdf

4. https://www.shrm.org/hr-today/trends-and-forecasting/research-and-surveys/pages/2017-employee-benefits.aspx

5. https://newsroom.fidelity.com/press-releases/news-details/2017/Companies-Expand-Well-Being-Programs-and-Increase-Financial-Incentives/default.aspx

6. https://www.forbes.com/sites/work-in-progress/2013/06/11/challenge-2013-linking-employee-wellness-morale-and-the-bottom-line/?sh=68b6ed705ca2

7. https://www.benefitnews.com/news/wellness-programs-cut-sick-days-improves-productivity

8. Raymond Fabius et al., “The Link Between Workforce Health and Safety and the Health of the Bottom Line: Tracking Market Performance of Companies That Nurture a ‘Culture of Health,’” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 55 (9) (2013): 993–1,000.

9.https://www.sunlife.ca/static/canada/Sponsor/About%20Group%20Benefits/Group%20benefits%20products%20and%2 0services/The%20Conversation/Bright%20Papers/files/1748-03-12-e.pdf


5 Ways to Promote Health And Wellness In The Workplace


How to Prevent the Need for Stress Leave